Saturday, January 16, 2010

National Monument Trail Registry

To promote place attachment and identity many parks and trails use a trail sign in book. Also known as a guest book or trail registry, this book will record the date, name, hometown, and any other comments of those who choose to sign it. I have created such a registry at Tonto National Monument for the upper cliff dwelling trail and the lower cliff dwelling trail. After the first two weeks in use the book has served as a great resource providing information about visitation at the park. Although it only references a small time period, here are the results since January 1st, 2010.

After looking at the map you will be able to tell that most of our visitation comes from areas that are currently experiencing inclement weather. However it is essential to note that the map only reflects information from those who chose to sign in, not the total number of guests that visit the park. More conclusive results will develop as time passes.

Update (1/12): After placing a copy of this map near the trail registry the number of guests that sign the book each day has tripled. One third of those visitors are coming from Canada.

Update (2/6): After a month of providing a trail registry for guests we have had visitors sign in from 45 of the 50 states, 5 Canadian provinces, and 3 other countries.

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