Sunday, May 10, 2009

Senior Internship Post #1

On May 1st I began my senior internship with Camp Young Judea West. From now until June 4th I will be working to develop a camping and nature program for the camp which is located on the Pacific coast in Ocean Park, Washington. In its five years of existence, the camp has never previously had an off site camping program or a developed environmental education program. Recently Camp Young Judea West received a grant that will help them to develop such a program, and it is part of my responsibility before camp begins to allocate such funds and plan for implementation.

Transitioning from school to my senior internship began very rough. While trying to balance finals, my job, and my new internship it was very hard for me to keep on top of all of my work. Now that the semester has slowed down and the end of classes is near I am having a much easier time multitasking between my responsibilities. In addition my job as a religious school teacher and youth group adviser has now ended for the year, and I have had much more time to ensure that I am able to dedicate all of my free time to working on my internship. This is very important because of how vital advanced planning will be for this sort of work.

This transition has been somewhat what I expected, and I am enjoying being able to finally put the information I learned in class to work in a real life situation. My classes in program planning and outdoor pursuits have prepared me for the work that I am doing before camp with budgeting and planning outdoor pursuits education. I have also been involved with many different summer camps over the years and I am well prepared for what lies ahead of me in the next twelve weeks.

So far I have begin putting together a budget that will encompass a number of trips to nearby state and national parks, as well as outdoor education programming. When I finish I will send this to my internship supervisor for her opinion and approval. I have also done a location analysis on the nearby state and national parks to get an idea of the various natural resources in the area along the coast of Oregon and Washington.

Listed below is the link to our camps website

Listed below is a link to my location analysis through Google Maps

Joshua Sweet
Camp Young Judea West Teva Director
Vice President of the Parks and Recreation Student Association

(402) 651 0160

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