Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Grant Budget

So I am now finished preparing the grant budget for the Camp Young Judea West camping and nature program, and am ready to submit it to my internship supervisor for approval. Believe it or not it has been very difficult for me to allocate all of the grant funds as I have never had a budget this large and am used to buying economy priced items. I am feeling more and more comfortable each day with my work for the camp, and am enjoying purchasing all of the equipment that I wish I had.

Through my work I have been able to take note of how important funding can be when related to outdoor recreation programming. Without the proper funding outdoor recreation can still exist, but I believe that the quality of our outdoor pursuits will benefit greatly from the expenditures that we have been able to obtain through our grant funds. It allows us to visit various state parks, provide additional assets to the camp as a whole, as well as enhance the learning of the children that will participate in our camping and nature program.

While my position is definitely outdoor recreation based I have also gotten a glimpse of what it is like to be part of the non profit recreation sector. After finding out that our organization is tax exempt and a non profit religious organization I have been able to take advantage of discounts only available to non profits. In particular I have been purchasing a great deal of equipment from Coleman outdoor gear due to the fact that non profit organizations purchasing gear from Coleman do not have to pay shipping, tax, and also receive and additional discounts on all items. Additional businesses that give discounts to non profit organizations include Cabela’s and Eureka Tents.

Now that my responsibilities with preparing the grant budget are finished we will begin ordering the equipment from the various recreation suppliers. In the mean time I am also beginning to develop programming ideas for daily camp activities. I intend to put all of our purchases to good use by teaching the campers about orienteering, observing wildlife, one match fires, alternative fire starting methods, and other outdoor survival activities. Using the natural environment around us we will also be participate in many different low ropes and teambuilding activities, hiking and camping, and emergency shelter construction.

Below I have attached a link to the Coleman Non Profit Site:

Below I have attached a link to a website that sells embroidered camping gear such as backpacks, water bottles, carabineers, and other outdoor products:

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you're getting budgeting experience so early. Fantastic!
